اثرات شناختی و فیزیولوژیکی مواجهه با گرمای شغلی بر کارگران عملیاتی: یک مطالعه اکتشافی

Haniye Ghasemi ℗, Zahra Musavi, Siavash Etemadinezhad, Hesam Elahi, Seyed Ehsan Samaei ©

اثرات شناختی و فیزیولوژیکی مواجهه با گرمای شغلی بر کارگران عملیاتی: یک مطالعه اکتشافی

کد: G-1210

نویسندگان: Haniye Ghasemi ℗, Zahra Musavi, Siavash Etemadinezhad, Hesam Elahi, Seyed Ehsan Samaei ©

زمان بندی: زمان بندی نشده!


دانلود: دانلود پوستر

خلاصه مقاله:


This study examines the impact of occupational heat stress on the physiological and cognitive performances of operational field workers. Heat stress is a significant occupational exposure, particularly in outdoor workplaces, and can lead to physiological changes and decreased cognitive function. The study aims to better understand the cognitive effects of heat stress in order to mitigate potential damages. By investigating the relationship between heat stress and performance, this research contributes to the existing body of knowledge on occupational health and safety.

مواد و روش‌ها

This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the impact of occupational heat on the physiological and cognitive performances of 150 operational field workers in a power plant. Baseline measurements of heart rate, core temperature, and blood pressure were obtained, followed by subsequent measurements after one hour of heat exposure. Cognitive performance was assessed before and after work using the Continuous Performance Test (CPT). Environmental variables were measured to calculate the time-weighted average of the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) index. Statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, and paired sample t-tests, was conducted using SPSS software.


Based on the results, individuals were exposed to heat stress conditions, and the average WBGT index at the workstations was reported as 31.50 ± 0.31. It was observed that all physiological indices (including heart rate, core temperature) in the exposed group increased significantly compared to the control (P 0.05). The average commission and omission errors showed a significant difference between the control and exposed groups, with the control group having fewer errors. Also, the reaction time in the presence of occupational heat differed significantly from the average reaction time in the absence of exposure (P 0.05).


Based on the results obtained in this study, it was observed that the physiological responses of individuals exposed to occupational heat have significant alterations. Additionally, cognitive aspects studied such as the number of correct responses, number of errors, average reaction time, accuracy (percentage of correct responses), and average response time undergo significant changes when exposed to heat. Given the importance of the power generation industry and the exposure of its employees to harmful factors, the disruption of physiological and cognitive functions can be of great significance in terms of health aspects and the occurrence of safety consequences. Therefore, attention to occupational exposures, the functional status of employees, and factors influencing them is essential. Consequently, the findings of this present research can be useful and practical for safety and health managers.

واژگان کلیدی

Heat stress, Occupational Exposure, Cognitive, physiologic effect, Worker

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