The event of the idea of a demand-oriented market in the field of ergonomics in Iran

2023-11-01 09:33

Written by Ehsan Ehsan in Wednesday 2023-11-01 09:33

The demand-oriented ergonomics Idea Market panel in the form of a reverse challenge, in order to provide the most valuable ergonomic technical solutions, under the supervision of selected and well-known experts of the country's industry, specialized with new ergonomic approaches and new plans provided by solution providers from among ergonomic experts, university professors and Industrial experts and inventors and other competent people will be held in the form of an operational plan of several weeks, based on the receipt of the problem statement "request form".
In order to benefit from the latest findings and the best technical solutions for the technical issues requested by your work environment and your organizational field, participate by completing the relevant forms of this national event.


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